Société Egyptienne D’entreprises

Waste Water Disposal :

Wastewater Disposal for Beshr and Mahalet Sa villages

Project value & Date:

  • The Value of contract is 38.66864 Million EGP
  • The Contract Date 3/7/2004
  • The End Date 3/31/2024

Project Description:

** Gravity piplines network 
* V.C pipelines from 15" : 20" dia. And 1.688 km total length.
* UPVC pipelines from 6'' ; 12'' dia. , 27.8 km length
** Pressurized pipelines:
*HDPE piplines of 400 mm dia. & total length 10.2km length.
*HDPE piplines of 200 mm dia. & total length 0.3 km length.
**3 nos. pump stations.
* main pump stations for mahala sah:dia 4 m & height  10 m and discharge 85 L/sec
*main ps for beshr village  of dia 5 m and height 10 m and discahrge 82 L/SEC
*sec ps for beshr village dia 4 m and height 8 m 
*5 open cut excavations to pass HDPE pipelines of dias 200, 500,450 with total length 90.8 m 

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